3.01. Responsibilities of Superintendent - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.011. Performance Grade Schools - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.02. Responsibilities of Principals - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.03. Emergencies - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.04. Directives, Procedures and Administrative Manuals - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.05. Administrative Organization - 11-15-2022.pdf
3.051. Schools-within-a-School - 3-18-2014.pdf
3_06_ Safe and Secure Schools - 11-14-2023.pdf
3.061. Domestic Security - 9-18-18.pdf
3.07. Copying of Public Records - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.08. Copyrighted Materials - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.09. A Moment of Silence - 9-21-2021.pdf
3.10. Flag Display and Pledge - 11-15-16.pdf
3.11. Agents, Solicitors and Salespersons - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.101. Religious Expression in Public Schools - 10-16-18.pdf
3.111. Visitor Identification Measure - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.12. Public Information and Inspection of Records - 3-16-15.pdf
3_13_School Volunteers - 12-19-2023.pdf
3.14. Suicide Prevention - 8-16-2022.pdf
3.15. Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages, Mood-Modifying Substance - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.16. Charter Schools - 7-18-17.pdf
3.17. Opening and Closing of Schools - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.18. School Calendar - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.19. School Site Decision Making -3-18-2014.pdf
3.20. Policy on HIV or Other Communicable Diseases - 3-18-2014.pdf
3.21. Recording of Parent-Staff Meetings - 04-19-2022 - NEW.pdf
3.25. Background Screening for Contractors - 8-16-2022.pdf
3.30. Automatic External Defibrillators - 9-15-2020.pdf
3.40. Animals on Campus 3-18-2014.pdf
3.41. Service Animals - 3-16-2021.pdf
5.02. Homeless Students - 11-15-2022.pdf
5.025. Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care - 3-17-20.pdf
5.03. Student Assignment - 8-16-2022.pdf
5.031. Student Out of District Transfers-CHOICE - 8-16-2022.pdf
5.032. Postsecondary Enrollment Programs - 7-18-17.pdf
5.033. Controlled Open Enrollment - 8-16-2022.pdf
5.035. Classroom Transfer - 11-15-16.pdf
5.04. Student Attendance - 1-16-18.pdf
5.05. Requirements for Original Entry - 10-15-19.pdf
5.051. Admission to Prekindergarten Early Intervention Program - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.06. Admission to Kindergarten - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.07. Admission to First Grade - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.08. Admission to Postsecondary Vocational Programs - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.09 . Granting Permission for Students to Leave the School Campus - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.10. Student Control - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.101. Bullying and Harassment - 11-17-2020.pdf
5.105. Dating Violence & Abuse - 11-17-2020.pdf
5.107. Hazing - 3-16-15 (NEW).pdf
5.11. Student Detention, Search and Seizure -3-18-2014.pdf
5.12. Expulsion of Students - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.121. Use of Time-Out, Seclusion and Physical Restraint for Students with Disabilities - 8-16-2022.pdf
5_13_ Zero Tolerance - 11-14-2023.pdf
5.14. Student Drug Testing 11-18-14.pdf
5.141 Anabolic Steroid Testing for Student Athletes - 3-18-2014.pdf
5_15_ Administration of Medicine - Opt 1 - 11-14-2023.pdf
5.151. Psychotropic Medication - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.152. Medical Marijuana - 8-21-18.pdf
5.16. Eye Protection Devices - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.17. Student Injuries - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.18. Legal Name of Student - 3-18-2014.pdf
5_19_ Student Records - 11-14-2023.pdf
5.20. Directory Information - 3-16-15.pdf
5.21. Student Illness - 04-19-2022.pdf
5.22. Teacher Removal of Students from Classroom - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.23. Report Cards - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.24. Parental Access to Information - 8-16-2022.pdf
5.25. Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Communication Devices - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.28. School Health Services - 8-16-2022.pdf
5.29. Notification of Involuntary Examination - 9-21-2021.pdf
5.30. Special Dietary Needs - 3-18-2014.pdf
5.35. Foreign Exchange Student - 3-18-2014.pdf
5_40_ Children of Military Families - 11-14-2023.pdf
5.60. Use of Bathrooms and Changing Facilities - 4-18-2023.pdf
6.09. Florida Best and Brightest Teacher Scholarship Program - 4-21-20.pdf
6.10. Employment Defined - 9-15-2020.pdf
6.101. Definition of Personnel - 3-18-14.pdf
6.102. Employment of Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.103. Appointment or Employment Requirements - 8-16-2022.pdf
6.104. Probationary Status for Noninstructional Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.11. Physical Examinations - 3-18-14.pdf
6.111. Transportation Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.112. License of School Bus Driver - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.113. Responsibilities of School Bus Operators - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.12. Year of Service Defined for Administrative and Instruct - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.13. The Instructional Staff - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.131. Teaching Out-of-Field - 11-15-16.pdf
6.132. Noncertificated Instructional Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.133. Assisting Teachers to Become Highly Qualified - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.14. Employment of Athletic Coaches Who Are Not Full Time Employees of the Sch. Bd. - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.15. Educational Paraprofessionals and  Aides - 3-17-2020
6.16. Substitute Teachers - 5-17-16.pdf
6.17. Employment of Nondegreed Vocational and Adult Instruct. Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.18. Contracts for Instructional and Administrative Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.19. Certification of Administrative and Instructional Personnel - 10-15-19.pdf
6.191. District Certificates - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.20. Leave of Absence - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.21. Leave Application - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.211. Approval of Leaves - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.212. Effective Date for Leave, Suspension, or Termination - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.213. Notification of Absence - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.214. Resignations - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.215. Retirement of Employees - 3-18-2014.pdf
6_216_ Deferred Retirement Option Program - 11-14-2023.pdf
6.22. Absence without Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.23. Personal Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.24. Sick Leave -3-18-2014.pdf
6.241. Illness-or-Injury-in-Line-of-Duty Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.242. Family and Medical Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.25. Military Leave - 3-16-2021.pdf
6.26. Jury - Witness Duty - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.27. Professional Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.28. Annual - Vacation Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.29. Temporary Duty - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.30. Salary Schedules - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.305. Credit for Military Service - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.31. Terminal Sick Leave Pay - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.32. Annual Payment of Sick Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.321. Health Insurance Premiums - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.33.Terminal Annual (Vacation) Leave Pay - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.34. Utilization of Sick Leave - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.35. Sick Leave Bank - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.36. Use of Sick Leave by Family Members or Employees - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.37. Professional Ethics - 05-17-16.pdf
6_39_ Report of Misconduct - 11-14-2023.pdf
6.40. Violation of Local, State and - or Federal Laws - 05-17-16.pdf
6.401. Conflict of Interest in Purchasing - 11-15-16.pdf
6.42. Records and Reports - 8-16-2022.pdf
6.43.- Use of Social Media - 04-19-2022 NEW.pdf
6.44. Telephone Calls, Electronic Communications and Facsimiles - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.45. Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace - 08-18-15.pdf
6.46. Political Activities of Employees - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.50. Grievance Procedure for Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.51. Complaints Against Employees - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.52. Suspension and Dismissal - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.53. Suspension with Partial or No Pay - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.60. Staff Training 7-18-17.pdf
6.65. Whistleblower Protection - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.70. Nursing Mothers - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.75. Name and Address of Employee - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.78. Social Security Numbers - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.80. Personnel Files - 9-21-2021.pdf
6.81. Assessment of Employees - 08-18-15.pdf
6.811. Instructional Employee Performance Criteria - 7-18-17.pdf
6.90. School Board Employees with HIV, AIDS or Other Communic. Diseases - 3-18-2014.pdf
6.91. AIDS, Bloodborne Pathogens and Environmental Hazards - 7-15-2014.pdf
7.01. School Budget System - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.011. Educational Enhancement Funds - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.02. Procedures for Administering the District Budget - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.021. Facsimile Signature - 7-15-2014.pdf
7.03. Lease and Lease-Purchase of Land, Facilities and Equip. - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.04. Bonded Personnel - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.05. Internal Funds - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.06. School Food Service Funds - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.07. Accounting and Control Procedures - 7-15-2014.pdf
7.08. Inventories and Property Records - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.09. Acquisition, Use and Exchange of School Property - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.10. Sale, Transfer or Disposal of Property - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.11. Lost or Stolen Property - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.12. Audits - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.121. Antifraud - 5-17-16.pdf
7.13. Petty Cash Funds - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.14. Purchasing Policies and Bidding - 11-17-15.pdf
7.141. Selecting Professional Services - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.142. Bid Protest Resolution - 3-16-15.pdf
7.15. Payment of Vouchers - Invoices - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.16. Payroll Procedures - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.17. Authorized Travel Expenses - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.18. Indebtedness Created Against a School or the Sch. Bd. - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.19. Fund-Raising for School Projects and Activities - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.20. Investment of Funds - 3-18-2014.pdf
7.21. Risk Management Insurance - 03-18-2014.pdf
7.22. Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures and Electronic Funds - 04-19-2022.pdf
7.25. Hospitality Funds - 8-21-18.pdf
7.30. Grant Management - 2-16-16.pdf   
7_40_ Online Educational Services Agreements-Contracts -11-14-2023.pdf
8.01. Safety - 9-21-2021.pdf
8.02. Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Safety Policy - 07-16-19.pdf
8.03. Inspections - 7-15-2014.pdf
8_04_ Emergency Drills - 11-14-2023.pdf
8_05_ Auxiliary Services - 2-20-2024.pdf
8.06. Safe School Officers - 11-16-2021.pdf
8.08. Vandalism and Malicious Mischief - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.09. Sanitation and Preventive Maintenance - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.11. Infection Control Guidelines - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.12. Purpose and Functions of the Transportation Program - 5-17-16.pdf
8.13. Student Transportation - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.14. Automotive Equipment - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.15. Bus Routes - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.16. Transportation Liability - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.17 Bus Evacuation Drills - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.18. School Bus Driver - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.19. Vehicle Maintenance Program - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.21. Transporting Students in Private Vehicles - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.22. Safety Belts - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.23. General Food Service Requirements - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.235. Competitive Sales - 7-15-14.pdf
8.24. Meal Patterns - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.25. Free and Reduced Price Meals - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.251. Summer Nutrition Program - 3-18-14.pdf
8.255. School Breakfast Program - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.26. Records Retention and Disposal - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.27. School Construction Bids - 5-18-2021.pdf
8.271. Protests of Construction Contract Bids - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.272. Prequalification of Contractors for Educational Facilities Construction - 10-20-2020.pdf

8.28. Change Orders - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.29. Improvements to School Plants and Grounds - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.30. Renovations or Remodeling of Facilities - 11-17-15.pdf
8.31. Facility Fire Safety Inspection - 3-18-2014.pdf
8_32_ Smoking and Tobacco Free Environment - 11-14-2023.pdf
8.33. Electronic Systems Responsible Use - 04-19-2022 NEW.pdf
8.34. Management Information System - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.35. Personal Tech. & Social Media - Usage & Conduct for LCSD 6-17-14.pdf
8.40. Naming or Renaming Schools and School Facilities - 3-18-2014.pdf
8.50. Conservation of Resources - 3-18-2014.pdf
Lafayette District Schools
363 NE Crawford St.
Mayo, FL 32066
LCSB: 386-294-4107
LCSB Fax: 386-294-3072
LES: 386-294-2882
LHS: 386-294-1701