This federal project is used to provide professional development for teachers. Activities include trainings in writing aligned with ELA B.E.S.T standards; contract with NEFEC Consortium to provide the district with program and services based on Florida's challenging standards, focusing on ELA and Math.  Teachers working closely with Instructional Coaches to complete standards-based curriculum maps; school leaders to attend FOIL Conference, and Principals, Assistant Principals, Reading Coaches, MTSS Coordinators and Technology Coach to attend NEFEC Summer Leadership Conference; supplies for PD, resources and materials for said inservices and a small percentage of the Director of Teaching and Learning Services salary.   

Title IIA - 340-2243C-3CT01 2022-23 Award Notification.pdf
Lafayette District Schools
363 NE Crawford St.
Mayo, FL 32066
LCSB: 386-294-4107
LCSB Fax: 386-294-3072
LES: 386-294-2882
LHS: 386-294-1701